Tag: empowered

Wave After Wave

I AM! and I am not, I am the space between your thoughts, I am the deluge and the drought, I am the Siren and the Silence, crashing wave after wave upon my own shore. We are the calm tide, the lazy river, the hurricane, the soft pattering rain. We are the wave of consciousness

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How do we keep loving when others manipulate, lie, use and blame us for their insecurities?

“But I made the mistake of assuming that everyone else was just as eager to find their light….. It’s okay to pray for everyone’s liberation without joining them in prison.” — Jeff Brown This is something I do all the time, assume others are seeking their light. At different points in my life, and in

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Because it doesn’t remind me of anything…

Stressed? Anxious? Don’t know what to do? 1: Put your headphones in 2: Put on La Traviata 3: Start vacuuming 4: yes, your whole house is clean and it’s only Act II 5: keep going, dust 6: by now you’re ready to cook some healthy food 7: Enjoy Act III 8: This is especially helpful

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Using Your Doubt to Strengthen Your Trust

We often see doubt as somehow failing ourselves or not being strong enough, etc. Shifting our awareness of Doubt, we begin to recognize that each time we truly embrace it, move through it, sit with it, love it as part of our journey… then we build more trust from within ourselves, for ourselves. We strengthen

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Seduction of Spirit: Wisdom Shared from my Meditation Retreat (even though I started writing this 5months ago!)

Along your spiritual journey certain themes play out within almost all wisdom traditions. Acceptance, detachment, surrender, faith, trust, allowing… these are some of the big ones for me.  Hearing these words, repeating them to myself … actually creates calm. The guidance of gurus, saints and sages often comes down to… simplicity.  Keep it simple.  Trust

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